Monday, December 15, 2014

Manic Monday, Wishful Organizing!

I store each day's Math Daily Spiral Review/Enrichment in the metal trays labeled with the days of the week.  I also keep any tests or other items I need for the week in that day's tray.  I write each subject's topic and any page numbers necessary by the schedule, this is for me as much as it is for the students!  This also makes it easy for them to write our agenda down in their planners each morning before specials.  How do you organize your daily paperwork?  Do you write your schedule down or just go subject by subject?
Each student has a drawer in which to keep small items such as crayons, scissors, etc.  I make copies of all of the E.O.'s, Math Daily Spiral Review and Enrichment, etc. ahead of time and store them in the unused drawers.  I have trays on the top of each set of drawers to organize items to be copied, items to be turned into the Science teacher, and any notes from home or lunch money.  How do your students store their loose items?

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